Safiya Hassan Registered Nurse for over 20 years and mother of five was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. When she is not creating new products or spending time with her family- You'll likely find her in an African dance class surrendering to the rhythms of the drums.
Growing up she suffered from Eczema, a painful chronic skin condition. She was always fascinated and intrigued by the healing powers of nature and after having an adverse reaction to a medication prescribed to treat her eczema she was motivated to research natural remedies and developed a Healing line of products made with some of the most powerful healing agents in nature. That is when she discovered her passion for making natural products and natural healing modalities. She wrote "The Natural Eczema Solution" to empower anyone challenged with Eczema to care for their skin naturally and educate people about the potential hazards of topical steriods.
As a nurse she has seen first hand how the lack of knowledge and resource has resulted in people suffering from preventable illnesses. It has since been her mission to join forces with fellow health care practitioners to educate her community on the importance of implementing preventive health care measures. Together they conduct free health and wellness workshops in the community.
In 2016 She founded The Well Woman Movement to provide free wellness services to pregnant women in the Brownsville community, where she grew up. Pregnancy can be a amazing and exciting time but it can also be challenging physically and mentally. The WWM provides their services free of charge because she knows all too well that people with financial contraints may not prioritize things like selfcare.